07488 350452        Mon-Fri: 08:00am - 17:00pm
Improvement Specialists
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Providing Specialist Improvements to your home

We're not just landscapers, in fact, building beautiful home improvements is where it started..

Transform your home with our comprehensive home improvement services, from building extensions and converting garages to renovating kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms.

Constructing and improving homes can be a great way to add value to your property and make it more enjoyable to live in. At DH & SONS Ltd, we offer a range of expert services to enhance your living space and increase your property value. Our skilled team will work closely with you to understand your needs and create a tailored plan that meets your budget and expectations.

home extension

Home Extensions

A home extension can be a great way to improve your living arrangements. Let DH & SONS Ltd help your dream come true.

bedroom home improvements

Interior Improvements

If your home is starting to look dated, we can modernize the interior of your home to create a completely new look.

home drianage improvement

New Drainage

DH & SONS Ltd can install well-designed drainage systems. We install new drainage systems for home extension and outbuilding.

Our interior & exterior design improvement specialists transform homes across Northamptonshire.

kitchen extension

Home Extensions

garage Conversions

Garage Conversions

new drianage installations

Drianage Installations

kitchen installations

Kitchen Installations